(757) 463-1500
Why Fluoride?

Why Fluoride?

You’ve probably heard dental health professionals talk about the importance of fluoride before – but what is it and why is it so important to your dental health? At Mill Dam Dental Care, we use fluoride in our office treatments, and we often encourage patients...
Which Sedation Solution Is Right For You?

Which Sedation Solution Is Right For You?

If the thought of going to the dentist makes you feel fearful or uncomfortable, you’re not alone. In fact, approximately 36 percent of the population suffers from dental anxiety. People who struggle with dental anxiety often put off essential care, which can lead to...
Why Teeth Cleanings Are Essential

Why Teeth Cleanings Are Essential

You probably already know that you’re supposed to have your teeth cleaned regularly, but what you might not realize is just how important it is for your long-term health. If they aren’t already, teeth cleanings should become a regular part of your healthcare routine....
Live Longer with Proper Dental Hygiene

Live Longer with Proper Dental Hygiene

In the old days, I’m talking the Colonial Era, our Founding Fathers were too busy creating an independent nation to brush their teeth. Dental care simply wasn’t a thing. Floss wasn’t even invented until the end of the 19th Century and didn’t actually hit the...
4 Reasons Veneers Might Be For You

4 Reasons Veneers Might Be For You

Here at Mill Dam Dental, we’re committed to working with you to create the smile that you deserve. For some people, veneers might be the solution to achieving this wonderful smile. What Are Veneers? Veneers are a thin layer of medical-grade ceramic material that...