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Virginia Beach Dental Blog

Smoothing Over Tooth Decay With Dental Fillings

Smoothing Over Tooth Decay With Dental Fillings

Don’t you hate street potholes? They ruin your smooth morning drives. When the city is made aware of these road rage-inducing problems, they fill them right up with cement. Getting a dental filling is no different.  Just like potholes develop on old roads,...

Live Longer with Proper Dental Hygiene

Live Longer with Proper Dental Hygiene

In the old days, I’m talking the Colonial Era, our Founding Fathers were too busy creating an independent nation to brush their teeth. Dental care simply wasn’t a thing. Floss wasn’t even invented until the end of the 19th Century and didn’t actually hit the...

Debunking Those Teeth Whitening Myths

Debunking Those Teeth Whitening Myths

Coffee, wine, sushi - these are the fruits of life. For some people, a morning cup of Joe is a necessity. For others, a glass of wine is a reward for a hardworking day. Some people like to smother their dragon rolls with soy sauce. What do all these people have in...

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Smile

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Smile

Don’t Pass up on Routine Teeth Cleanings Teeth cleanings are one of the easiest ways for you to keep up with your dental health. Not only because appointments are twice a year, but because you literally have dental professionals cleaning your mouth for you. It’s...

4 Reasons Veneers Might Be For You

4 Reasons Veneers Might Be For You

Here at Mill Dam Dental, we're committed to working with you to create the smile that you deserve. For some people, veneers might be the solution to achieving this wonderful smile. What Are Veneers? Veneers are a thin layer of medical-grade ceramic material that...

Causes and Solutions For Halitosis

Causes and Solutions For Halitosis

Ever regretted eating that onion bagel for breakfast? Ever been offered a mint or two? Ever been nervous to speak in close proximity of someone? Altogether-- have you ever questioned whether or not you have bad breath? We all have those days where our breath just...

Debunking Myths About Sedation Dentistry

Debunking Myths About Sedation Dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry? Sedation dentistry, in short, is completing dental procedures while the patient is under an altered state of consciousness. While most people tend to have a general idea of what sedation dentistry is, there are a lot of misconceptions...

Uncovering the Truth About Dental X-Rays

Uncovering the Truth About Dental X-Rays

We all know what an X-Ray is, but do we really? We know that X-Rays are used in the dental and medical fields to help doctors and dentists see any problems that wouldn’t be noticed by the naked eye, but what’s really going on when we turn on that machine? Is it...

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Is It Really That Necessary?

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Is It Really That Necessary?

It’s crossed all of our minds at one point or another, the dreaded wisdom teeth removal. The good news is that with recent medical advancements, getting your wisdom teeth removed is a much easier and less painful experience than it was a few decades ago. And the even...