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Don’t Pass up on Routine Teeth Cleanings

Teeth cleanings are one of the easiest ways for you to keep up with your dental health. Not only because appointments are twice a year, but because you literally have dental professionals cleaning your mouth for you.

dental cleaning

It’s always a great feeling to leave the dentist after a checkup, with your mouth feeling squeaky clean again. Beyond that, the more regularly you visit the dentist for routine cleanings, the less likely you’ll run into severe dental issues that might cost money in the future.

The more consistently you invest in your dental health now, the less you’ll have to pay all at once in the future if dental issues arise. The same goes for your frequency of dental checkups. Go your two times a year now, so that you won’t have to go five or six a year in the future, trying to reconcile deep-seeded dental problems.

Just Floss, Already

We all know the tinge of embarrassment we get when our dentist asks us how often we floss. We either shamefully divulge that it’s not too often, or we lie and say “once a week or so.”

Roughly 30 percent of Americans floss their teeth at least once a day. Help contribute to raising this statistic by flossing a bit more. Flossing removes food particles from in between the teeth that can cause gum infection or create an unpleasant appearance.

If you feel like traditional flossing is inconvenient, you should give flossers a try. They’re not like the traditional string that you need to tug band and forth between two hands. Flossers are basically flossing with a handle. You’ll no longer have to stick your fingers into your mouth to floss those pesky back molars, and you’ll have a better view of what you’re doing when you don’t have to use both hands.

Once flossing becomes more convenient for you, it’ll be a bit easier to incorporate into your daily schedule. Of course, you should always make time to tend to your dental health; but flossing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to do that, even though it may seem like it’s not.

Chew Gum

Chewing gum encourages the production of saliva, which can help wash away harmful plaque acid on your teeth. It also immerses your teeth in strengthening minerals like flouride, calcium and phosphate. The recommended duration is 20 minutes after each meal a day.

Beyond the dental benefits, minty flavors, specifically peppermint, has been linked to improved concentration. Perhaps chewing on a stick of minty gum will help you get through the rest of the afternoon, rather than another cup of coffee.

While chewing sugary bubble gum is quite tempting, be sure to reach for an ADA-approved brand of gum instead. ADA stands for the American Dental Association, which provides professionally-backed recommendations for your dental health.

ADA approved brands are unanimously sugar-free, but still common brands that provide the delicious and refreshing taste that you seek. Brands like Eclipse, Orbit, Extra and Wrigley’s sugar-free have American dentists’ stamp of approval.

Keep Dental Supplies on Hand

While yes, you should always have extra toothbrushes and floss in your cabinets, we’re not talking about mouth maintenance in the comfort of your own home. We’re talking about stocking up on dental supplies for when you’re on the go.

This means keeping a travel-sized toothbrush on hand, and some floss. Perhaps you could even bring some mouthwash with you on the go.

Being out and away from home is when people truly disregard the tenets of good dental hygiene. After eating sugary foods or drinking dark and stain-causing liquids in public, most people don’t follow it up with the necessary actions to keep a clean and beautiful smile.

Not having dental tools with you is another excuse as well– but not if you make it a point to bring some with you. Bring a small toothbrush and a travel toothpaste– much like you might get when leaving the dentist’s office, coincidentally.

Taking a quick trip to the bathroom after lunch isn’t so hard. Setting aside a few minutes out of your day to pay extra attention to your dental health will pay off in the long run. You’ll find that the money you might spend for travel toothpaste and floss is a minimal contribution to the priceless feeling of being proud of your smile.

Eat Tooth-Friendly Food

If you truly don’t have the time to set aside for extra dental maintenance in the day, then try to eat foods that are friendly to your teeth. You’ll want to start by adding lots of water to your routine, to flush out any toxic food residue that might be present.

Second, you’ll want to cut out harsh citrus fruits, darkly colored, caffeinated drinks like soda or coffee. These types of food weaken your enamel, which makes your teeth more prone to damage over time. Not to mention that dark drinks like red wine, coffee and dark sodas can stain your teeth, leaving them with a yellowish tint that you might feel embarrassed about.

Certain dairy products like cheese and yogurt have been deemed good for your mouth, as they contribute to a healthy pH level, along with enhancing calcium which keeps your teeth healthy and strong.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples and celery are all greta for your teeth as well, as they act as natural tooth cleansers because of their texture. They scrape away at bacterial and food particles, acting as brushes.

Keep Yourself Educated

Doing something as simple as following the ADA or your personal dentist on their business social media accounts can give you new information about dental health. Or check out any dental blogs written by your local dentist’s office.

All in all, maintaining basic dental health is pretty easier. Maintaining supreme dental health… is also easy. It’s all about taking that extra step to be mindful of you treat your mouth. Give it the extra attention, and people will give your smile extra attention.