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Dental Implants Virginia Beach is highly effective, nearly painless, aesthetically pleasing and proves functional across the long haul.  Here is a quick look at what you should know about dental implants.

Dental implants are essentially artificial teeth connected to the jaw bone. The dentist will place small titanium rods in your jaw bone beneath where the artificial tooth will be placed. A crown is connected to the top of the titanium rods, creating the impression that there is a natural tooth. Even if someone gets within a few inches of your mouth, he or she won’t be able to tell you have a dental implant in place. The icing on the cake is the fact that dental implants function just like regular teeth, making it easy to chew through crunchy, sticky and chewy food without even the slightest concern.

Sedation Dentistry Makes Dental Implant Placement Comfortable

As explained above, dental implants require the insertion of titanium rods in the jaw bone to support the artificial tooth or teeth. Though this process of osseointegration takes several months to complete, it is nothing to fear. Opting for Sedation Dentistry Virginia Beach will allow you to relax during your procedure. Even if you need several dental implants, you will be comfortable throughout the placement of titanium rods and crowns thanks to sedation dentistry.

The Two Different Types of Dental Implants

Dental implant technology has advanced to the point that there are now two unique types of dental implants. The most common type, known as the Endosteal implant, is placed directly into the bone. The dentist uses cylinders, screws and blades to position the dental implant in the jaw bone. This type of implant is optimal for those who have a removable denture or bridge. The other type of dental implant is the sub-periosteal, also known as the on-the-bone implant. This type of dental implant is affixed to the upper part of the jaw with the help of metal posts. These posts serve the purpose of holding the prosthesis in place. The sub-periosteal dental implant is typically used for patients who have comparably less bone height as well as patients who are not candidates for the Endosteal dental implant.

If you are missing one or several teeth or have one or several badly decayed or damaged teeth, you might be a good candidate for dental implants. These problematic teeth often require extraction and replacement with an artificial tooth such as a dental implant. Dental implants really are the perfect solution when your “bad teeth” need to be removed. Meet with our dentist for an oral health examination to find out if you have ample jaw bone and oral tissue for the placement of dental implants. In general, those who do not smoke tobacco and have adequate jaw bone typically qualify as good candidates for dental implants. In general, those who do not smoke tobacco and have adequate jaw bone typically qualify as good candidates for dental implants.

Be sure to check with your dental insurance provider to find out if some or all of the cost of dental implants is covered through your insurance policy.  When in doubt, choose your oral health over saving some money.  Make the investment in your dental health today by choosing dental implants and these reliable artificial teeth will function without flaw for upwards of two decades or more.

Dental Implants are Incredibly Durable

Once your dental implants are in place, you won’t have to worry about the prospect of cavities. This is not to say you can forego flossing and brushing around the dental implant; floss/brush your titanium dental implant as you would your normal teeth and they will prove quite reliable across posterity. NASA uses titanium on their space shuttles so this material will prove quite strong in your mouth for years if not decades to come. Your titanium implants are significantly stronger and more durable than dentures as well as other potential tooth replacements.

Schedule Your Appointment at Mill Dam Dental Care

If you are missing one or several teeth or have a damaged/decayed tooth, dental implants might prove optimal for your mouth. Our team is here to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. Furthermore, if your teeth have not been cleaned and examined in the past six months, it is time to take action. Call to set up your appointment today for a dental exam if you think you may need an implant.